Category: Taki’s Magazine

The 10 Most Horribly Racist Ads That Aren’t Even Remotely Racist by Gavin McInnes

Read the full article at TakiMag: The 10 Most Horribly Racist Ads That Aren’t Even Remotely Racist by Gavin McInnes

The Bitter Taste of Richwine by Jim Goad

Read the full article at TakiMag: The Bitter Taste of Richwine by Jim Goad

Guns and Race by Steve Sailer

Read the full article at TakiMag: Guns and Race by Steve Sailer

The Best Films That the Oscars Ignored by Guy Somerset

Read the full article at TakiMag: The Best Films That the Oscars Ignored by Guy Somerset

Uncle Sam, Give Us Your Guns by The Editors at

Read the full article at TakiMag: Uncle Sam, Give Us Your Guns by The Editors at

Miscegenation at Monticello? by Jared Taylor

Read the full article at TakiMag: Miscegenation at Monticello? by Jared Taylor

The Myth of Northern Innocence by Jim Goad

Read the full article at TakiMag: The Myth of Northern Innocence by Jim Goad

A Great South African & A Horrible South Africa by Hannes Wessels

Read the full article at TakiMag: A Great South African & A Horrible South Africa by Hannes Wessels

Institutions of Higher Emoting by Paul Gottfried

Read the full article at TakiMag: Institutions of Higher Emoting by Paul Gottfried

Right, But Doomed by Paul Gottfried

Read the full article at TakiMag: Right, But Doomed by Paul Gottfried