Read the full article at The Political Cesspool: Shattering the icon of Abraham Lincoln
Read the full article at The Political Cesspool: Bill Rolen on the Frankfurt School
Read the full article at The Political Cesspool: The Importance of Columbus Day
Read the full article at The Political Cesspool: Some talking points for the “we took the land from the Indians” issue
ScienceDaily hypes blatantly fake study claiming most all white people are racists
Anti-gun Madonna shocks Denver audience with violent stage show
Read the full article at AmRen: Lies, Damned Lies and University Lies Robert Weissberg
Read the full article at AmRen: Bucking the College Diversity Cult Noah Steadman Asking the wrong questions at Simon’s Rock.
Read the full article at TakiMag: The Bitter Taste of Richwine by Jim Goad
Read the full article at TakiMag: Institutions of Higher Emoting by Paul Gottfried